Saints row: The third.

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Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 28 Mär 2011, 21:39

  • Tootja: Volition, Inc.
  • Turustaja: THQ.
  • Platform: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows.
  • Engine: Havok.
  • Zanr: Third-person shooter/action adventure.
  • Väljalaske aeg: November 18, 2011.
  • Vanusepiirang: 18+
Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to a new city, playing out the most outlandish gameplay scenarios ever seen. Strap it on.

Enda kommentaar: Ei suuda ära oodata. Eelmised osad olid eepilised. (Y) Olen selle seeria pühendunud fänn.
Viimati muutis UltimateGamer, 15 Aug 2011, 11:13, muudetud 4 korda kokku.

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas Censored » 28 Mär 2011, 21:40

Sama mootor?

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 28 Mär 2011, 21:55

Censored kirjutas:Sama mootor?
Ei oskagi öelda, peaks ikka teine olema.

Kuskil oli mainitud, aga ei leia ATM üles.
Viimati muutis UltimateGamer, 29 Mär 2011, 21:45, muudetud 1 kord kokku.

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 28 Mär 2011, 21:56

Mõned pildid:



Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to a new city, playing out the most outlandish gameplay scenarios ever seen. Strap it on.

Tegevus peaks toimuma siis teises linnas.

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas Censored » 29 Mär 2011, 21:29

SR2 oli minu arust väga mõttetu mäng. Mul võttis küll kogu mängu isu ära see füüsika ja graafika ning auto juhitavus oli ka alla igasuguse arvestuse. Mängus oli küll meeletult palju võimalusi jms. aga ikkagi ei meeldinud kohe üldse see mäng.
Loodan väga, et tuleb sellekohapealt parem mäng ja oleks ka suuremaks konkurendiks GTA seeriale :)

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 29 Mär 2011, 21:42

Censored kirjutas:SR2 oli minu arust väga mõttetu mäng. Mul võttis küll kogu mängu isu ära see füüsika ja graafika ning auto juhitavus oli ka alla igasuguse arvestuse. Mängus oli küll meeletult palju võimalusi jms. aga ikkagi ei meeldinud kohe üldse see mäng.
Loodan väga, et tuleb sellekohapealt parem mäng ja oleks ka suuremaks konkurendiks GTA seeriale :)
Maitse asi, minule meeldis SR1 & SR2 meeletult. Juhitavuse koha pealt nuriseks ise ka. Ning see RESPECT värk oli ka väga mõttetu. Loodan, et selles osas pole sellist asja.
Foorumites räägitakse, et SR3 pidavat ikka päris kõva mäng tulema. Pidi olema/tulema isegi selline asi nagu "Fart in the jar" :))

As some of you may have seen within the pages of April's Game Informer (or in the following video), we nixed the "Fart in a Jar" weapon for Saints Row: The Third during pre-production after a few of the developers here at Volition felt it might even be too over the top for the Saints Row series. Well, over the past few weeks since the reveal, we've seen lots of people calling out for the weapon to actually be in the game, so we're going to ask all of you to let us know if you really want it.There's two ways of going about this. Either post a comment below and tell us about it, or use the #fartinajar hashtag on Twitter and follow our official Saints Row Twitter account (@SaintsRow) and then let us know that you want #fartinajar in the game. If we get a large enough group of people asking for it, we may just put it in the game...

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 29 Mär 2011, 21:53

1. When is Saints Row: The Third being released?
1a. The current timeframe is "Holiday 2011". Any dates on the net from various retailers at this point are pure speculation.

2. What systems will Saints Row: The Third be available for?
2a. Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC (Steamworks).

3. What is the name of the new city?
3a. Steelport.

4. Will I still be able to customize my character? What about vehicles? Weapons?
4a. Yes. Character customization is still a large part of the Saints Row experience and we'll have lots of details about this system in the future. Vehicular customization is still in as well. With regard to weapons, as shown by a recent article from Game Informer, we have added weapon upgrades to Saints Row: The Third.

5. Is Co-Op still in Saints Row: The Third? Split Screen?
5a. Yes, via XBL / PSN / Steam or System Link with full drop-in, drop-out co-op. There is no split screen.

6. Is there competitive multiplayer in Saints Row: The Third?
6a. No. MP was removed so that the team here at Volition could focus on making the SP and Co-Op experience as amazing and over-the-top as we can.

7. I've heard Saints Row: The Third is already finished, is that true?
7a. Not at all. The team here at Volition is diligently working on the game as we speak, adding in more content each day.

8. I have a suggestion for Saints Row: The Third - should I PM it to you?
8a. Your best option is to use our forums. Each individual can post up their ideas for our game, and then the rest of the community can post how they feel about it and debate each suggestion. A great place to start is the "General Suggestion Thread", which is for very specific suggestions.

Also note that there are many other threads discussing suggestions for clothing (men / women), vehicles, music, and weapons. Feel free to add your suggestion to these threads.

9. Is there going to be a Limited / Collector's Edition for Saints Row: The Third?
9a. At this point, there are no details, but keep checking back for an update.

10. Can I pre-order the game yet?
10a. You sure can, just click here to be whisked to our pre-order page with various retailers.

11. When is a trailer going to be released for Saints Row: The Third?
11a. There is no exact timeframe yet on when a trailer will be released, but everyone here at Volition wants you to see the game in action.

--- More in the future ---

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas Censored » 29 Mär 2011, 22:37

See on hea, et see customization jäeti asjadel sisse ja ma tõesti loodan, et seda juhitavust jms mis ma üleval mainisin on parandatud.
Jään ootama :)

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 30 Mär 2011, 12:34

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 31 Mär 2011, 11:22

Air Strike

Steelport’s three gangs will oftentimes become engaged in flashpoints, which see the gangsters coming together and partaking in some shady business. During our time at Volition, we saw a large group of Luchadores in a parking lot as they guarded palettes of drugs. Charging in with an AK and grenades might work if you’re skilled enough, but why risk it? With this laser-guided air strike, you can demolish large groups of enemies without directly engaging them. Simply use a laser to indicate where you want ground zero to be, and the area will soon be showered in what appears to be a napalm carpet bomb. What was once an intimidating collection of Luchadores turned into a bunch of scarred corpses with one of these strikes.

Predator Drone

Painting a target with a laser is a nice option, but why use that if you can personally drive an explosive package right into your enemy? Activating the drone will change the perspective to a top-down view similar to the AC-130 level in Modern Warfare. Standard bombs can be dropped with one trigger, while the other will release a smart bomb that you can precisely guide with the analog sticks. Destroying a high-value target with a standard bomb is a lot of fun, but it’s even better when you’re closing in on a vehicle from the perspective of a bomb you’re controlling.


RC Gun

Both the predator drone and air strike allow you to rain death from above, but this handy new weapon allows you to attack from the ground while still staying out of harm’s way. By shooting out an electronic bug, you can assume control of virtually any vehicle you see (it will initially control cars, but you can upgrade it to take over tanks and air vehicles). Once the bug is attached, you can drive the vehicle around just as you would if you were in the driver’s seat. You could take over a rival gang’s car and run over a few cops if you want to get them in some quick trouble, or fill a truck with explosives and send it into enemy territory if you’d like to deliver a bomb on wheels.



It was possible to upgrade some aspects of your weapons in Saints Row 2, but these bonuses were always tied to specific activities. Saints Row: The Third is going a different route, by offering a proper levelling system that opens up new perks and bonuses for purchase as you become more powerful. A standard shotgun can turn into the three-barreled Gravedigger if you have the cash, and assault rifles can receive scopes and grenade launchers. By upgrading weapons how you see fit, you’ll have much more say this time around when it comes to building your desired arsenal.

Sex Toy Bat

While it’s by no means the most subtle weapon in your arsenal, this floppy phallus packs a mean punch when used as a melee weapon. The top of this sex toy seems to have a mind of its own, wobbling around in a disturbing display of physics. Give a grandma a swift swing with this bat and you’ll witness a splash of blood and a body slamming against the pavement. It can’t feel good to get knocked out by the sex toy bat, but we think the insult may be worse than the injury in this case.

Sex toy bats and air strikes certainly won't be all you'll have at your disposal, as Volition hinted at several more ridiculous tools of destruction in Saints Row: The Third. We won't spoil any surprises here, but the more sadistic gamers will have plenty to look forward to when the game launches this holiday season.

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 01 Apr 2011, 14:35

EXCLUSIVE: The Debut Trailer Of Saints Row: The Third ... ailer.aspx

Tegu pole aprilli naljaga vms.

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 03 Mai 2011, 20:50

In the past month, we've seen Saints Row: The Third hit covers of magazines in the US, France, and UK, but now we're proud to show off the newest country, Italy, as (Google Translate link) has graced us with this honored position. Take a look below:


(Rough translation) "SR the Third is moving its steps in the right direction. After the first 2 episodes characterized by madness and irreverence, it seems that the game wants to leave behind residual seriousness to embrace a comics feeling oriented to the excess." “SR crucial missions will have character and personality in a pure Hollywood style”

I've also heard rumors that we landed covers in Germany and Japan as well, but I'm still hunting down the story on that one. If you happen to find it, feel free to post a link in the comments below.

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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 07 Juun 2011, 13:09

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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas Censored » 09 Juun 2011, 14:04


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Liitunud: 23 Veebr 2010, 17:40
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Re: Saints row: The third.

Postitus Postitas UltimateGamer » 18 Juun 2011, 10:13


Kes on foorumil

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