1. leht 1-st

Major Nelsoni GT häkitud

Postitatud: 29 Mär 2010, 14:43
Postitas DasMonx
Ja nii ongi... Major Nelsoni GT häkiti ära

Spoileri all inglisekeelne tekst, mis võetud joystiq.com'st

Spoiler! :
Microsoft podcaster and Xbox spokesperson Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb's Gamercard has fallen victim to a hacker (or hackers) sometime this evening. A quick check on Xbox.com reveals the account has been fixed.

Hryb's account info was altered to reflect some ... rather offensive pejoratives, and images from Kotaku reveal an odd spam statement ("ANY ACCOUNT $100 PAYPAL!!!!!!!!"). A website by the name of "LiGHTzz" has a video that proclaims responsibility for the hacking and even offers up a YouTube video advertising his services to others -- the name Yasiel Rodriguez, a resident of Miami, Fl., is registered to the domain name in question.

We've contacted Microsoft regarding the matter and will keep you updated on a response (discussed a bit by Xbox's Stephen Toulouse on Twitter, in the meantime).
Ja siis video selle kohta... veits NSFW

"Häkkerite" rühmituse koduleht - lightzz.com

EDIT: account saadi mingi 1 v pooletunni jooksul tagasi.

Re: Major Nelsoni GT häkitud

Postitatud: 29 Mär 2010, 14:44
Postitas DasMonx
Aga see "häkker" on jube lahe vend küll :D avalikult näitab oma AIM ja Skype accounti... nimed ja aadressid juba leitud... Huvitav, mis MS selle kohta teeb

Re: Major Nelsoni GT häkitud

Postitatud: 29 Mär 2010, 19:16
Postitas UltimateGamer
Tehakse mingi suur rahatrahv nkn. :p

Re: Major Nelsoni GT häkitud

Postitatud: 28 Nov 2010, 22:50
Postitas RANNAR
Ma saadaks mingid maniakaalsed fanboyd peale nendele vendadele :D:D